With the help of Mr Peabody's time travel skills, our fifth epiphany is from the future. Yes, absolutely from the effen future! In the future we saw, MBAs study this simplified 'Fifth Epiphany'. In present day August 2015, it is clearly the culmination and sequel to five (5) authors' lifetime work. The concepts taught at Harvard and Sloan were disc-jockey'd from sequel books* weaving up a five song mashup -- it was epic. Smoothie, smooth is the Stanford Engineering textbook by Steven Blank, Four Steps to the Ephiphany, start and Mark McCormack's, "What They DO NOT Teach You at Harvard Business School" end.Good news! In our lucid tour of the future, I took notes as high in quality as when I sat 'first chair entrepreneurship' at Palo Alto's Community's College as Stanford University's founding Entrepreneur in Residence.Here are the notes (hat tip to Mr Peabody and his time travel machine**
/1/ Geoffrey Moore's four books. His life's work is 'crossing the (innovation) chasm', "tornado" and lol "escape velocity"
/2/ Eric Ries' "Lean Startup"
/3/ Biz Model Generation
/4/ Steven Blank "Four Steps to the Epiphany"
/5/ Mark McCormack "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School"
**If you do not believe Mr Peabody's time travel machine can travel in time, set aside your dis-belief. Now, take out on your analytical right brain and "reverse engineer" this post. If you are absolutely incredulous... extrapolate these five books (that all exist, this Summer of 2015), locate your go-go Inspector Gadget, Larry Chiang hat and get your Evernote moleskin out. This will be a f-u-n ride thru five books!!
/1/ Geoffrey Moore's next next book is "Crossing the Chasm from the Right".
In 1991, Moore de la Geoffrey wrote the seminal MBA tome, "Crossing the Chasm". Plot spoiler from his next four books: Ya can't!! You die crossing the super wide-wide chasm. "Escape Velocity" makes you fight gravity. As an MBA student in 2015, you get the future knowledge now, #CTCFTR. CTCFTR has 35 steps in a video to help u a lot. Pay close attention while I DJ this hashtag into another hashtag, #EUBM (Engineer Up a Business Model #EUBM)
Right on cue to help me marry EUBM are three en vogue, MBA books... ("Lean Startup", 'Business Model Generation' and '4 Steps')
/2/ Lean Startup.
In short, Lean Startup by Eric Ries, EIR at HBS makes me wanna #LCMCC, #ENGR145 #MVBP, and of course, #EUBM. All of them help you gain free entry, gain wider access, augment distribution
{MVBP is (Less Than) Min Viable Blog Post #MVBP}
Eric's book led me to my Fifth Epiphany and is built on
/3/ Business Model Generation
Only three boxes deserve all of your attention. #EUBM. There is an image that I drew that summarizes all 200 pages on to one Facebook photo album called "Fifth Epiphany"
(If Facebook's privacy is buggy, I'll text you the access from my cell: 1-650-283-8008)
/4/ Steven Blank's Four Epiphany's.
I've read that book 10x. I'm a scholar on this. My conclusion is perhaps his sequel tome? Anyway, #EUBM works and I wedged it in at ENGR 145 when Professor Blank went to teach ENGR 245.
My role at ENGR 145 was EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) where I felt the tingle of this Fifth Epiphany but could never make it simple enough. In essence, this epiphany circles back to...
/5/ Mark McCormack. #WTDTYAHBS and #EUBM
To even get the opportunity to transition from Stanford Athletics season ticket holder to coach/mentor/EIR/co-hort mentor/ class crasher, I simply regurgitated Mark McCormack's NY Times triumvirate:
These author's lifetime work breaks in to specific, hashtaggable sub-routines in understanding and executing my fifth epiphany. By hashtags and sub-routines, I steal concepts from Stanford University's CS department and help MBAs run coded patterns. Yes, in the future, Git Hub's co-founder Tom Preston-Werner helped Wharton MBAs in the meme, "Whartonites seek code monkey". Yes, HBS doing case studies as 'pattern recognition', pattern iterates down into hashtags to sequentially execute business recipes and pattern replicate.
Synapse and countermeasure to the non MBA student complaint, " Larry Chiang, I hate your hashtags and acronyms galore": Think of this HBS post as a GitHub for present, just passed and future best-entrepreneurship-case "recipes" via 'hashtags'. Basically, this post was all computer code with a dash of comments and annotation. GitHub is a repository of computer science code that developers copy-paste. HBS business case studies are static and compiled before the hockey stick (and the shark :-). But, Live Action Business Case Studies (LABCS) are like ESPN's live-look inside huddle. #LABCS was co-founded by me and Professor Tom Kosnik at Stanford Engineering(It is all open source, 100% Larry Chiang affiliate program). HBS cases study the past like GE is the 90's, Alfred Sloan in the 50's or Yelp in the 2000's (LABCS is documenting how you execute adopt and swallow the Fifth Epiphany ;-)
CONCLUSION: The Fifth Ephipany is simple: You should make money, while you make money. You should make money while you're learning MBA content and experiencing MBA life. The fifth epiphany is a JBA. A Jedi in Business Administration. It simplifies and helps founders pattern replicate and pattern iterate while your mentors pattern recognize for you. Mr. Peabody, Obi Wan Kenobi and me wish you well, but tease you we will. The fifth epiphany you get now, but our movie is in the future ;-)If you think the act of making money is vulgar, you are welcome to stall out inside of ephiphany's one through four. If you choose to make money and get knowledge... Re-Read the Harvard Business School's Harbus article //bit.ly/vc0311a and get paid to go to SXSW 2014.