The Harbus was lucky enough to sit down with Old Section Cer, Mochi Peabody, to kick off this inaugural column dedicated to covering some of the school’s most relevant - and sometimes controversial - topics. Passionate about giving back to the HBS community in a meaningful way, this four-legged friend has agreed to share the answers she gave to real questions asked in her own HBS Interview. She hopes that sharing this coveted information will help all HBS applicants who received Interview Invitations for the Class of 2018 prepare for what will inevitably be the most important hour of their lives. She'd also like to mention that she is really happy that she purchased The Harbus MBA Admissions & Interview Guide before her interview as she was able to rock her answers because of the insight it gave her! Born in Tacoma, WA, U.S.A. to Joy and William Peabody in 2012, Mochi prides herself on her Shih Tzu and Toy Poodle heritage. You’ve probably seen her around campus with her Red Toy Poodle boyfriend, Clifford, who happens to be the grandson of an HBS professor. In her spare time, she likes to dress up in her profound collection of chic and age-appropriate interview attire (when she’s not getting her required 15 hours of daily beauty sleep).
(*Note to reader: These are actual questions current HBS students were asked as applicants in their Interviews that are included in our MBA Admissions & Interview Guide, along with 150+ others.)
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