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From the Editor’s Desk

On Time, Waffles, and Elections.

Welcome to the October edition of the Harbus, where the insights are as crisp as the weather and as free as Monday coffee. They say you get what you pay for, but let’s assume our pricing strategy reflects not poor content, only poor understanding of the fundamentals of business.

This month, we think about time. We ask the reader to take time to pause for reflection. We also remind the reader that life is short, and there is no time. How can these two arguments possibly be reconciled, you ask? Don’t worry, our advice column had plenty of insights on time management and self-care. 

We embrace things done differently. We celebrate adventures. A German athlete moving to Wisconsin to play tennis, a snack stand server growing up to run the MBA and Doctoral Programs at HBS, and people doing crazy things with AI. Oh, and super waffles that help you make gains. It amazes me what people come up with and what people make happen, especially those who commit and those who are willing to be wrong.

We engage with representation and inclusivity, and the work we still have to do. How can we increase Latino representation at HBS? How can we use technology to help Black and diverse founders access venture capital funding? Does the HBS case method let us adequately engage with structural challenges like these, or do we need a revised approach? I don’t know, but I hope we talk about all of this, and help move the ball forward inch by inch.

And finally, Election Day in the U.S. is November 5th. Please register to vote, if you’ve not already – the Massachusetts deadline is October 26th. Many states end registration earlier in the month. Visit Please talk to other people about why you plan to vote for your candidate, and listen when they do the same. Vote early or vote on the 5th, vote in person or vote by mail, but please vote, the whole ballot.

Tim Ford (MBA ’25) is originally from New Jersey. He graduated from the University of Virginia with degrees in Commerce and Spanish, and completed an M.Phil. in Latin American Studies at the University of Cambridge. Prior to the HBS MBA, Tim worked in growth equity at TPG in San Francisco. 

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